Groundbreaking for Affordable Housing in Mesquite, NV
Nevada Rural Housing Authority (NRHA) broke ground earlier this month at the site of a future affordable housing community for families in Mesquite Nevada. “Hafen Village” is a 96 unit development, planned by Nevada Rural Housing Authority that will provide a mix of one, two and three bedroom energy efficient apartments for working families at or below 50% of area median income in the community. This new construction project is a much need addition to our rural Nevada community and serves as a shining example of the multiple stakeholders working together to bring more Affordable Housing to our state.
The City of Mesquite donated the 4.93 acre parcel to NRHA in order to promote economic development and the creation of new affordable rental options. The project will include 25 project-based vouchers from the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority. Hafen Village will be located in theborder city of Clark County. Additionally the municipality provided HOME funds for the project and Nevada Housing Division provided funding through National Housing Trust Funds, and low income housing tax credits, Wells Fargo served as the investor, which totaled almost $26 million in equity. The Hafen Village project is a true collaborative effort between multiple municipalities, developers and investors.
The groundbreaking ceremony was commemorated by remarks from NHRA Executive Director Bill Brewer and included honorable recognitions from state dignitaries as well as a heartfelt welcome from City of Mesquite Mayor Al Litman, and local community organization leaders such as Bill Stevenson, Founding Pastor of First Baptist Church of Mesquite - the soon to be neighbor of Hafen Village. In addition to breaking ground, attendees of the ceremony were asked to help “lay the foundation” of Hafen Village by writing inspirational messages on smooth rock, which will be buried at the foundation when construction begins. It was a very heartwarming moment on a chilly fall day in Mesquite Nevada. Hafen Village is schedule to open in Spring 2024.