2022 Annual Housing Progress Report Released
Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 278 requires jurisdictions in Clark and Washoe Counties to adopt measures to maintain and develop affordable housing. The jurisdictions must then report to the Housing Division about how such measures were used in the prior year.
Highlights from the report this year are below:
- As reported to the Housing Division, nearly 25,000 households were helped with Emergency Rental Assistance and other Covid-19 related supplemental housing assistance programs. Before the Covid related programs, the number of households assisted with rental assistance ranged from about 1,000 to 4,000 a year.
- The AHPR pipeline number (units with funding in the planning stage or under construction) hit another new high this year at 7,159 units, almost doubling last year’s 3,824 unit pipeline number. Of the 7,159 units in the pipeline, 5,246 units were in new multifamily projects.
- AHPR net inventory increased again in 2022. The total subsidized units in the AHPR inventory increased to 31,334 units, 1,931 units (7%) more than the baseline established in 2014. In the case of Washoe County, the net increase in subsidized units even outpaced population growth. Once again, a low number of conversions to market rate, this year only four units, facilitated the net increase.
- Since 2018 there has been a net gain of 1,336 units with sliding scale rental assistance or set asides for households with incomes at or below 50% of area median family income for a total of 16,220 units. Over half of the AHPR subsidized inventory of units (52%) were in this affordable to Very Low Income (VLI) category.
For more detail see the 2022 Annual Housing Progress Report posted in the Low Income Housing Database at the Nevada Housing Division.