Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by Congress in 1988 in enactment of the Federal Fair Housing Act, prohibits discrimination in the provision of housing and housing-related services based on race color, religion, national origin, sex (gender), familial status (presence of children under the age of 18), and handicap. Nevada state law also includes protections based on ancestry, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. Fair housing laws apply to all types of housing and housing-related transactions, including rental, sales, lending, insurance, and advertising. Any entity that controls housing choice, including public housing authorities, homeowner associations, and agencies administering housing funds, is subject to the provisions of state and federal fair housing laws.
The State of Nevada is committed to affirmatively furthering fair housing for all residents of our community.
Fair Housing Questions and Complaints
For questions about fair housing rights and responsibilities or to file a housing discrimination complaint, the following agencies can provide information and/or complaint intake services. Note that you have up to one year after the last incident of discrimination to file an administrative complaint, and up to two years to file a court case.
Silver State Fair Housing Council
A private, nonprofit agency providing a comprehensive program of fair housing outreach, education, and enforcement services.
Northern Nevada: 775-324-0990
Southern Nevada: 702-749-3288
Toll Free: 888-585-8634
Relay Nevada: 7-1-1
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Regional Office in San Francisco
Federal agency enforcing the federal Fair Housing Act; receives and investigates bona fide claims of housing discrimination.
TTY: 415-489-6564
Nevada Equal Rights Commission
State agency enforcing state fair housing laws; receives and investigates bona fide claims of housing discrimination.
Northern Nevada: 775-823-6690
Southern Nevada: 702-486-7161
Toll Free: 800-326-6868
Relay Nevada: 7-1-1